

Map 공지사항
Uhkatree - Directions
Go straight from Gangnam subway station exit #5 until you reach to the cafe named Pascucci.

Our office is on second floor of the building right next to the Pascucci on the right.

The red box shown in the map is where our office is

and our office name in Korean is written as 유학트리(주)JYP이주공사

as shown in the picture of our office sign above.

Office address:

#203, 2F, Bowon Building, 1337-17, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea, (Postal Code) 00627

Please contact when escort or guidance is needed.

Cell: 010-3103-0466

Jiyoung Park
이전글 센테니얼 컬리지 - 2019년 9월 학기 오리엔테이션 일정
다음글 필리핀 마닐라, 캐나다대사관