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파일럿과정 상담자료 - 김기* 님
작성자 : 유학트리(test@test.com)
파일첨부 :
파일럿과정 상담자료입니다.

학생 경험담 참고로 하세요! 
캐나다로 꼭 와야만 한다면  밴쿠버에서 제일 괜찮고 그런 학교가 두군데 있어요! Mont  Aviation 이랑 Pacific flying club있어요

Mont Aviation은 중국 항공회사랑 제가 알기로는 MOA가 되있어서 중국 학생이 많고 그나마 밴쿠버에서 가장 비행기 상태가 좋고 교육도 탄탄해요!
그리고 Pacific flying club은 BCIT라는 2년제 대학교 항공운항학과랑 연결되있는 학교 입니다! 캐나다 밴쿠버에서 항공운항학과를 가려면 BCIT가 제일 괜찮습니다!

 BCIT(2년제 대학), Mont Aviation(비행학교), Pacific flying club(비행학교)

Canadian Flight Centre (www.cfc.aero)


[국제학생입학여부 확인해야합니다.]Tuition $51,992

항공업계에서 따르는 법이 같음. 미국은 FA, 캐나다 대부분 나라는 아이카오. (ICAO)시스탬을 따름

항공업계에서는 우리학교에서 처음부터 끝나지하고, 교관으로 채용을 하지, 처음부터 끝까지 하지도 않았는데 교관채용을 하지 않음. 

경운대학교 항공운항학과 (4년제)

[항공스쿨 졸업후 이민신청]

If you complete your flight training (PPL, CPL, IFR, instructor rating) with our school under a student visa/permit and wish to work as a flight instructor, there is a straight forward way to get a work permit and eventually permanent residence in Canada.

Flight instructors who meet either of the following criteria may be issued work permits under the C43 provision:
• The applicant has completed a flight-training course at a Canadian training centre and has obtained a Canadian commercial pilot’s licence;
• The applicant has obtained, or is in the process of obtaining, an instructor’s rating and has received an offer of employment as a flight instructor from a flight training centre.

Applicants providing either of the above documents may be issued an open work permit, valid for three years, if the flight-training course was at least two years, or valid for the length of their flight training studies in Canada, if between eight months and two years. Flight training under eight months does not qualify a student for the work permit.

Again this presumes you have completed your training (Commercial Licence) with our school For questions, feel free to contact us. If you have completed your Commercial Licence outside of Canada then you cannot qualify for this program. There may be other ways to get a work permit, but we are not work permit experts. Suggest to check out www.cic.gc.ca


[항공스쿨나오고 PGWP신청방법]- 캐나다에서 졸업후 일하는 방법 예시
1) 캐나다 항공스쿨 (DLI 번호있는) 졸업후, 캐나다커머셜 파일럿라이센스 졸업하면, 취업비자신청해서 나옵니다 또는,
2)instructor’s rating 를 가지고, DLI소지 항공스쿨에서 교관으로 잡오퍼(고용계약) 받으면 취업비자신청가능해요

Flight school graduates
To be eligible for a PGWP, a flight school graduate must meet all the eligibility above, and one of the following:

have completed a flight training course at a DLI training centre and now have a Canadian commercial pilot’s license or

have or be in the process of getting an instructor’s rating and a job offer as a flight instructor from a DLI flight training centre.
이전글 캐나다택스리턴 & 양육수당 알아보기 (SIN 카드 발급 필수)
다음글 ILAC Pathway 3.2 수료조건 - 전*님