로키 교육청 관련 정보 사이트
로키 교육청 http://www.rockyview.ab.ca/
로키 교육청 학교리스트 http://www.rockyview.ab.ca/registration
로키 교육청 방과후 프로그램 http://www.rockyview.ab.ca/partners/after_school
로키 교육청 지원원서 http://www.rockyview.ab.ca/staff/forms/StudentRegistration/af301_a_19_20_studentregistration
학군특징: 로키 교육청 (Rocky View School)
Rocky View 교육청은 매우 높은 수준의 International Student Program을 지원하고 있습니다.
학업과 커리어에 초점을 맞춘 국제학생 프로그램 입니다. 로키뷰 교과과정을 이수하면 알버타주 고등학교 졸업증명서를 얻을수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. 국제 학생들에게는 학생 영어실력에 맞는 ESL 수업을 제공합니다. 영어 실력 평가는 일년에 한번 학생 영어실력을 평가하여 학생수준에 맞는 ESL프로그램을 제공합니다.또한, 단기과정 (2학기중 1학기), 장기과정을 다닐수 있습니다. 마지막으로, 학교에서 제공하는 교외활동 (방과후활동)에 참여할수 있습니다
International Program을 신청할때 Rocky View 교육청에 보내야할 서류들
• 신청서
• 여권복사본
• 최근 2년간 다닌 학교의 학교성적표 ( 한글, 영어)
• 홈스테이를 원하면 홈스테이 신청서
학비 및 다른 비용들
• 신청료: C $250
• 학비: C $10,500 / 년, 5개월 : C $5,500
• 의료보험비: C $500 / 년, 5개월 : C $250
학년구분: 로키 교육청 (Rocky View School)
Elementary : 초등학교: 유치원 - 6학년
Middle school : 중학교: 7 - 9학년
Secondary : 고등학교: 10-12학년
추천학교 리스트
A.E. Bowers Elementary School Kindergarten to Grade 4 - Located in the City of Airdrie
Banded Peak School Kindergarten to Grade 8 - Located in Bragg Creek
Bearspaw School Kindergarten to Grade 8 - Located in Bearspaw
Beiseker Community School Kindergarten to Grade 12 - Located in the Village of Beiseker
Bert Church High School Grades 9 to 12 - Located in the City of Airdrie
Bow Valley High School Grades 9 to 12 - Located in the Town of Cochrane
Chestermere High School Grades 10 to 12 - Located in the Town of Chestermere
Chestermere Lake Middle School Grades 6 to 9 - Located in the Town of Chestermere
Cochrane Christian Academy Kindergarten to Grade 8 - Located in the Town of Cochrane
Cochrane High School Grades 9 to 12 - Located in the Town of Cochrane
Crossfield Elementary School Kindergarten to Grade 5 - Located in the Town of Crossfield
Ecole Airdrie Middle School Grades 5 to 8 - Located in the City of Airdrie
Ecole Edwards Elementary School Kindergarten to Grade 4 - Located in the City of Airdrie
Ecole Manachaban Middle School Grades 5 to 8 - Located in the Town of Cochrane
Elbow Valley Elementary School Kindergarten to Grade 4 - Located in Springbank
Elizabeth Barrett Elementary School Kindergarten to Grade 4 - Located in the Town of Cochrane
Fairview Colony Kindergarten to Grade 12 - Located in Fairview Colony
George McDougall High School Grades 9 to 12 - Located in the City of Airdrie
Glenbow Elementary School PIP, Kindergarten to Grade 4 - Located in the Town of Cochrane
Herons Crossing School Kindergarten to Grade 4 - Located in City of Airdrie
Indus School Kindergarten to Grade 9 - Located in the Hamlet of Indus
Kathyrn School Grades 1 to 8 - Located in the Hamlet of Kathyrn
Langdon School Kindergarten to Grade 9 - Located in the Hamlet of Langdon
Meadowbrook Middle School Grades 5 to 8 - Located in the City of Airdrie
Mitford Middle School Grades 5 to 8 - Located in the Town of Cochrane
Muriel Clayton Middle School Grades 5 to 8 - Located in the City of Airdrie
Nose Creek Elementary School Kindergarten to Grade 4 - Located in the City of Airdrie
Prairie Waters Elementary School Kindergarten to Grade 5 - Located in the Town of Chestermere
Prince of Peace Lutheran School Kindergarten to Grade 9 - Located East of Calgary
R.J. Hawkey Elementary School PIP, Kindergarten to Grade 4 - Located in the City of Airdrie
Rainbow Creek Elementary School Kindergarten to Grade 5 - Located in the Town of Chestermere
Ralph McCall School Kindergarten to Grade 8 - Located in the City of Airdrie
RVS Community Learning Centre Grades 1 to 12 - Campuses in Airdrie, Chestermere and Cochrane
Sarah Thompson School Kindergarten to Grade 4 - Located in Langdon
Springbank Community High Grades 9 to 12 - Located in Springbank
Springbank Middle School Grades 5 to 8 - Located in Springbank
Tschetter Colony School Kindergarten to Grade 12 - Located in Tschetter Colony
W.G. Murdoch School Grades 6 to 12 - Located in the Town of Crossfield
West Haven Colony School Kindergarten to Grade 9 - Located in West Haven Colony
Westbrook School Kindergarten to Grade 8 - Located North of Cochrane